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  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by Jason Powell 12 years, 6 months ago

HEADS UP! We've moved over to our NEW web presence at citrt.org or churchITnetwork.com

This wiki will remain up as a historical resource until all content is migrated :-)


Welcome to the Church IT RoundTable WiKi


The Church IT Roundtable (CITRT) is a peer learning community of Church and ministry IT people not only across the US, but around the globe.  Very much like NACBA and other organizations that involve church administration and church technology, there has been a growing interest among Church IT people to find ways to connect with each other.  And thus the Church IT RoundTable was born in Fall of 2006.  Over 500 church staff and volunteers have been involved with CITRT in one way or another and we look forward to watching how God continues to expand our community.

Who is Involved/Who Should be Involved?

CITRT is for staff, volunteers and vendors who support the Church in the area of Information Technology without discrimination to the maturity of the technology they use or the size of the congregation they support.  Often we find ourselves with the skills and aptitudes to be successful but lacking in a critical piece of knowledge that may be found in a colleague within the Church IT community.  This is certainly true for those who are part-time staff or volunteers working in church IT.  We need information.  We need inspiration.  Above all, we need a community of like-minded peers.




Peer Learning




Find us on


CITRT Chatroom



STAY UP TO DATE WITH CHURCH IT NEWS & EVENTS - sign up for the enewsletter!
You can also follow announcements at http://twitter.com/citrt and http://facebook.com/citrt


MONTHLY LIVE Church IT Podcast  - Live interactive podcast the 1st Friday of each month at 11am ET with hosts Jason Powell , Chris Kehayias , and Scott Miller.  Have ideas for topics to discuss?  Email 'em to info@citrt.org
Past episode show notes here


Spring 2012 National Church IT RoundTable

April 18-20

$75 includes lunch/dinner both days

Watermark Community Church - Dallas, TX

We anticipate 200+ registrations based on Spring 2011 attendance! Registration will open in early 2012







CITRT Vision

  • To create people networks of Church IT professionals (both Church staff, volunteers, consultants and companies) to assist and support Church IT

  • To provide Best of Class Solutions for Church IT

  • To provide regular Church IT RoundTable discussions through online social networks, monthly live podcasts, and face-to-face meetings twice a year

  • To encourage and inspire with one another

  • To provide an online forum to express ideas, ask questions, work out solutions to current challenges, and document best of class solutions to Church IT

  • To provide assistance and best value at the lowest possible cost to the Church IT professional


Leadership Team: David Drinnon, Clif GuyChris KehayiasJason Lee, Scott Miller, Jason Powell


The latest compilation of all the different CITRT resources scattered around the web ... what's missing?


SOCIAL Resources

Chat Room - We have a 24/7 Church IT chat room you should really check out.  You'll find IT geeks hangin' out in there all hours of the day and into the midnight hours.  It's a place to ask questions, blow off some steam, and get to know other IT peers.  The link takes you directly into the Church IT chat room ... nothing but a web browser required.  [Maintained by David Szpunar]

Church IT Podcast - www.churchITpodcast.com  Monthly, CITRT folks "meet" online and via phone to discuss all manner of IT topics.  The call is recorded and then made available as a podcast.  We even have transcriptions of each call to aid in searching for something in particular.  [maintained by Jason Powell]

Facebook - We have over 600 people in our CITRT fan page on facebook. It's a place to find other facebook CITRT peeps and get occasional CITRT news updates.  [maintained by Jason Powell]

Flickr - We even have a group on Flickr where you can browse Church IT related photos and pics from our past Roundtable events.  [created/maintained by Justin Moore]

Linkedin -   [Created by Ian Beyer]

Twitter - There are a number of Church IT peeps on Twitter.  We have a twitter group page setup at http://twittgroups.com/group/citrt - scroll to bottom to see group members.  We're using #citrt as our hashtag.  Another CITRT twitter group is at Twibes 

Twitter #CITRT search - see what CITRT peeps are saying to each other


BLOG Resources

CITRT Blog Aggregator - We have aggregated a number of church IT related blogs.  Here's how to add yours to the list.  [maintained by Justin Moore]

Blogroll - Clif Guy maintains a large blogroll of church technology related blogs  

Blog Search Engine - Andrew Mitry made a handy google search that searches through the blogs listed in the above blog aggregator.  Hit Andrew's link above to use the code on your own site.



ChMS Google Group - Discussion of needs and ideas for Church Management Systems.  [maintained by Tony Dye]

IT Discuss Email List - Ministry IT focused email list that's been around several years.  [site hosted/maintained by Jeffrey Thompson]



Diigo Church IT Group - Share your favorite tech web links with your peers. Diigo makes it fast and easy to share and search bookmarked webpages.

Biggest Loser competition - Check out the CITRT biggest loser contests we've done in the past. 

Church IT Survey - Ever wonder what churches similar to you are doing IT wise?  How many computers do they support?  What's their IT staff size? Do they support multi-site, etc?  Or what about those churches several steps ahead of you - what's their IT makeup look like?  How should you plan now to be at that size in the future?  What about trying to find churches around you with experience in VoIP, Virtualization, etc?  Wouldn't it be sweet to have a resource that helped shed some light on these questions?  That's what this is for. (note to self to get more current data into the survey and find a better way to manage end user updates)  [created/maintained by Jason Powell]

Church IT Management Survey- The objective of this graduate research study is to determine if church IT professionals are using  strategic planning and business processes in performing their IT management responsibilities. Check out the latest details and status.

Roundtable Discussion Topics - Here's a large list of all the different topics that have been discussed at our prior events.

Roundtable How-To Guidelines - Thinking about starting your own local roundtable meetings?  You should!  Here are the basic guidelines we work from for each roundtable.

CITRT iPad/iPhone Beta Test Group - Join the CITRT iPad/iPhone beta test team to get early dev releases of Apple iOS beta and GM builds. Signup URL is http://bit.ly/citrtipadtesters [created/maintained by Jason Powell]

IRC Whois - See who is who 

Map of CITRT Peeps - See where we have a presence  

I'm sure there's more ... as you think of other church IT related resources please leave a comment and we'll add it to the list.

Donate towards my web hosting bill!

page views


Donate to help our CITRT bro, Zak Smith, pay medical bills (watch the video, read his blog)

Fellowship Bible Church

 Rick Warren at the Spring 2010 Church IT Roundtable

Want to share this video, click here for the source embed code.


What is CITRT?

The Church IT RoundTable (CITRT) is a peer learning community of church IT people.  We’re an un-organization, a starfish rather than a spider, that values knowledge and initiative from all participants.  When we get together, we have an un-conference in which every participant is a presenter, every teacher is a learner, and everything is an experiment.   The community is not a membership organization, trade association, club, society, or guild and we aren’t trying to make money, raise money, or take money.  The Community exists for the purpose of encouraging and educating the community. We’re ecumenical and Kingdom-minded.  We’re Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox.  We choose in advance not to divide over theology (neither the religious kind nor the technology kind!).

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